Ever wanted to know what it’d be like to travel Australia, have amazing adventures, and get paid for it?!
According to Craig McGown – better known as Macca from TV’s “What’s Up Downunder” – it’s a pretty good gig to have!
Macca has been with the show for 6 years. While other people are going to work and dreaming of a holiday, Macca is living that dream!
“Why wouldn’t you want to explore Australia? We are so fortunate to live in a beautiful country, and it’s a huge thrill to be able to travel to all these amazing places and take viewers along for the ride!” he said.
What’s Up Downunder has a large fan base of Aussies who all want the same thing – to travel. And according to Macca, it’s something we should all get out and do.
The Show follows the team of presenters as they hook up their caravans and head off to discover Australia’s most sought after destinations. From Cape York in north QLD, through the Victorian High Country, to the Great Australian Bite, to the Indian Ocean. Anywhere a car can go, so can Macca towing his van!
Macca said what makes What’s Up Downunder different than other “Adventure” style programs is that they are really focusing on the destinations, because this is what viewers really want to see. Places they too can travel to, and sights they can see for themselves.
“The way the program works is that we take surveys with our audiences on where they think we should go, what places they’d like us to travel to and explore. And then off we go!”
“I’m really lucky to get to travel across the country year after year, and also to test out so much of the latest gear.”
“I get asked all the time what’s my favourite caravan, and to be honest – I just don’t have an answer! As much as I enjoy the comfort of a caravan, I’m actually just as happy sleeping in a swag, under the stars and next to a camp fire!” Macca said.
Macca lives in Queensland, but is no stranger to Western Australia. He said he travels west at least every second year, and while he obviously is a massive fan of the Kimberley region, he says he can’t go past our beautiful coastline.
“Broome is probably my favourite spot in WA, in fact anywhere along the coast from Exmouth up to Broome,” he said.
“It’s just so pristine and untouched, and so much is isolated. As far as I see it, this is one area of Australia that hasn’t been loved to death yet!”
“I also love touring in the Kimberley, and in the south west. I love the Margaret River area. One day in the future I hope to do all the Karri forests in the south west around Pemberton and Manjimup, that’d be a great trip!”
So while Macca is living the dream and travelling the country, and the rest of us are heading off to our day jobs and wishing we were off on our own adventures; Macca has a piece of advice. Stop making excuses!
“So many people want to travel, they want to get out there and explore. But they think they don’t have the right gear or enough gear; or there’s some other excuse that holds them back.”
“My advice is to just do it. You can go camping with a swag and a torch. You can go traveling in a group, or do a bus tour. You don’t have the have the latest 4WD and the top-of-the-line caravan.”
“If your dream is to sit around a campfire in the middle of the Simpson desert, or to look out from the peak of Mount Kosciuszko, or just to stand alone on a beach – make the decision and make it happen!”
Macca said a lot of people are scared to take that first step because they might not have all the know-how to get to where they want to go. But he said the beauty of travelling in Australia is that there’s a real sense of community with the people who have been there and done that, and who are more than happy to share their knowledge.
“It’s the Aussie way to help each other out. If you want to go somewhere but not sure of something – ask questions. Other travellers will help. Within minutes you’ll have all their tips of where to go, what to take, what to avoid,” he said.
“And then one day, you’ll be the one giving the advice!”
What’s Up Downunder is shown on Channel 10 and ONE. Tune in get some inspiration for your next adventure!