Saturday, May 4, 2024
Want to get out in your 4WD this weekend and need some inspiration on where to go? Here’s our Top 10 tracks / beaches to try out – depending on your skills and experience of course! And all less...
How do you appropriately and correctly charge two different styles of battery? Ray chats about the RedArc 12V 25A BCDC charger and how it can keep you busy as a DIY project during the colder months, getting you ready for...
The IONIQ 5 just might be the coolest looking vehicle I’ve ever driven. Forget ludicrously expensive sculptures of automotive jewellery with low swooping sensual body curves, exquisitely detailed air scoops with hand carved interior inlays of carbon fibre, titanium...
Here are some of our favourite 2020 model Four-Wheel Drives on the market. There may be a bit of a delay with delivery but we think each of these are well worth waiting for! 2020 Volkswagen T-Roc 140TSI Sport The SUV...
BMPRO has launched a new campaign that takes viewers on an adventure along the Great Ocean Road with the added benefit of ProSmart to keep a tab on all RV functions – no matter the distance and regardless of...
It’s no secret that the Ningaloo Reef is a must-see. Stunning coastline, fantastic fishing and world-class waves. Snorkelling, swimming and diving to explore the magnificent reef; discovering whales, turtles and other majestic marine life; walking and exploring the quiet beaches,...
With a sea of 4-cylinder dual cab diesels swamping your attention, the choice often comes down to separation by degrees. Do you choose the visual appeal of one brand’s styling design over another, or the additional goodies included in...
Adding some badges or hyping a product with a funky name is a marketing trick that we’ve all seen before. Given the promise of something greater is usually accompanied by a price hike northward, it usually takes more than...